1.1 All matches shall be played according to the World Netball Rules of Netball currently in force at the time of the match, except where specific match regulations apply.
1.2 Every attempt will be made by Israel Netball to ensure that all these regulations are complied with. Should any issues arise that require some form of change for a particular match, a request must be submitted via email/WhatsApp to the League Coordinator at least 2 days in advance of that match in order to give them time to render a decision. No requests will be considered if received less than 2 days in advance of said match (except in truly exceptional circumstances).
2.1 There is no maximum to the number of players allowed in either a senior or a junior/youngster team. However, for a senior team, up to twelve (12) players must be registered prior to commencement of a match.
2.2 Each club can enter as many teams as they want. The club decides which players play on which team.
2.3 Players for the senior league are eligible to play if they were born in or before 2008, i.e. they must be at least 16 years old by December 2024. A player may register for the second half of the season after she turns 16.
There are two leagues for our younger players:
League Registration Fees
2.4 The annual league registration fees are:
Should a new player register after 1 April 2025, the fee will be half the above amount.
League fees are not refundable for any reason.
2.5 Players register with their city coordinator. The following requirements must be fulfilled by players at the time of registration:
Stress tests are compulsory for juniors in grades 9-10; we recommend that junior players in grades 7 and 8 also take the test.
A player will not be allowed to play if any of the requirements are not met.
Borrowing players (Subs)
2.7 If a player cannot play for whatever reason, the team plays with fewer players or they can borrow a non-league player from their club or from another club. The maximum number of matches that can be played by a non-league player in this season is four, and the player will pay NIS 30 per match. A Sub may play for more than one club during the season but may not play in a playoff/final.
Rule 3.2 of the Rules Book states that “a minimum of five and a maximum of seven players from a team may be on court at any time, one of whom must play Centre”. If a club has only six players registered for a match, two Subs may be registered; if there are seven players, only one Sub may be registered. In any event, the number of Subs in any given match shall not exceed two. The club coordinator shall notify the league coordinator of the borrowed player(s) and must also provide proof of payment by the Sub no later than noon of the day on which the match is to be played. The Sub may not take the court otherwise.
A Sub may be a Full member or a Casual member of a club according to the following paragraphs of the Israel Netball Constitution:
All other current league regulations apply.
2.8 Each team member should wear their league t-shirt.
2.9 Players may not play in league matches if they are over 3 months pregnant.
3.1 The schedule for the entire season will be published prior to commencement of the season.
3.2 Senior matches will be scheduled for Thursday nights and all matches will be played in Modi’in at the indoor venue unless announced otherwise.
Junior and Youngster matches will be played at various venues.
4.1 Whenever possible, Israel Netball will provide the match ball.
4.2 All players must wear positional bibs, and teams must have a spare set in a different colour in case of clash of colours.
5.1 Prepared Team Sheets are available at the Modi’in court and must be completed and lodged with the match officials before the scheduled start of each match. A team sheet shall consist of a minimum of 7 registered players who will be playing in the match (or be on the team bench).
5.2 Umpires will check players’ nails and confirm that no jewellery is worn prior to the match. This applies to both junior and senior league players. Each player will sign the team sheet after an umpire’s approval. Should a player arrive late, she may not take the court until allowed to do so by an umpire in accordance with WN rules.
6.1 Only the (up to) 12 registered players + team coach, team manager and other registered officials may sit on the team bench. All other players and/or supporters must sit in the spectators’ gallery.
6.2 Scorekeepers/timekeepers at the Officials’ Table must remain neutral; they may not support the teams playing on court.
6.3 If requested by any of the teams in advance, male spectators will not be allowed at matches in which that team is playing. This rule does not apply for the League Playoffs and Finals.
6.4 Players may not chew gum while on court.
7.1 Match points will be awarded as follows:
7.2 The named club coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that her team fulfills all the fixtures at the correct times and for advising her players of their match times/dates. Failure to turn up for a match at the stated time will result in an automatic 15-0 defeat, deduction of 1 point. If a team fails to turn up 2 weeks in succession or three times in the season they will be dismissed from the league.
For each match there will be at least one timekeeper and one scorer.
9.1 Matches shall be umpired according to the WN rules. Each match will have at least 2 umpires umpiring the match.
9.2 An umpire’s decision is final.
9.3 The League Coordinator is responsible for assigning umpires to senior league matches, updating the umpires on the WhatsApp group and for adding umpires to the list during the season if appropriate. Every effort will be made to ensure there is at least one umpire from every league team.
10.1 Israel Netball and the host club accept no liability whatsoever in respect of personal loss or injury which players, officials or spectators may sustain.
10.2 Israel Netball will not be liable to any person, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise for any direct or indirect loss or injury of any nature, howsoever caused and howsoever arising from the matters covered by these Regulations, provided that nothing in these Regulations excludes or restricts IN’s liability for any personal loss or injury caused by IN’s own negligence, the negligence of its employees, or for fraud.
10.3 All participants acknowledge that participating in the sport of netball involves a risk of personal injury and by taking part in the IN League, whether as a player, team member, team official, other official or spectator, each participant does so at their own risk.
The Code of Conduct applies to the following people whether they are operating in a paid or unpaid/voluntary capacity in Israel Netball:
In addition to the General Code of Conduct, Israel Netball implements role-specific Codes of Conduct as follows:
As a person required to comply with this Policy, you are to meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct during any activity or event held or sanctioned by Israel Netball:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. In your role as an administrator you are to:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. In your role as a coach you are to:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. In your role as a player you are to:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. In your role as an umpire you are to:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. As a parent/guardian you are to:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. As a spectator you are to:
In addition to Israel Netball’s General Code of Conduct, you are to meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by or under the auspices of Israel Netball. In your role as a Technical Official you are to:
Israel Netball is the official governing body of our favourite sport in Israel, and as full members of World Netball and Europe Netball, it is very active in the international netball community.