Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Team Points Number of Games Played Number of Wins Number of Losses Number of Draws
 Beit Shemesh  12 6 2 4  
 Jerusalem 30 6 6    
 Kfar Etzion 4 6 1 5 (incl. 1 technical loss)  
 Modi'in 3 6 0 6  
 Ra'anana 26 6 5 1  
 Tel Aviv 24 6 4 2  
 U17 15 6 (incl. 1 technical win) 3 3  

Points are awarded as follows:

·         5 points for a win
·         3 points for a draw
·         2 points to the losing team if they lose by 5 goals or less
·         1 point to the losing team if they score over 50% of the goals scored by the winning team